Mercati di Quartiere (Neighborhood Markets) is a local impact digital platform that innovates and relaunches Covered Municipal Markets and supports inclusion projects and social causes promoted in neighborhoods. We are convinced that the strong and collaborative link between proximity trade and non-profit organizations can improve the quality of life in our cities.
Are you a trader and do you have a counter in a Covered Municipal Market? Find out how to open your online store and start selling your products!
Are you a non-profit organization that promotes social causes and projects? Find out how to fundraise and promote your proposals!
Are you a public administration and want to relaunch the Municipal Markets and non-profit projects in the neighborhoods of your city? Contact us for a meeting!
Neighborhood Markets is developed in partnership with Dynamoscopio and So.De. Social Delivery. Made with the contribution of resources from the Italian State and the Lombardy Region, under the Agreement “Rescheduling of operational programs of the 2014-2020 structural funds pursuant to paragraph 6 of article 242 of law decree 34/2020“, signed by the Region Lombardia with the Ministry for the South and Territorial Cohesion on 16/7/2020.