EUMM – nord

Ecomuseo Urbano Metropolitano Milano Nord

A path of the 6 municipalities of EUMM, through a selection of points of interest. Not only places but stories, memories, images of a region in transformation.


Ecomuseum Urban Metropolitan Milano Nord has been working for years to make known and put into value the tangible and intangible heritage of Nord Milano: a mobile landscape constantly changing, who plays effectively the elements that characterize the contemporary city, sheds its skin and assumes new forms of life.
Every place has its own history and many are the memories of those who live on land, precious witnesses of landscapes now no longer detectable. Historical information, the visual documentation comes from private and public archives, the story in live of its inhabitants lead the visitor inside the Affori, Bicocca district, Bovisa, Bruzzano, Dergano, Island, Niguarda and five municipalities: Bresso, Cormano, Cinisello Balsamo, Cusano Milanino, Sesto San Giovanni: the guide allows you to compose the design of the North Milan as it was and is.
Ecomuseum Urbano asked the citizens of these places to participate in the creation of the guide, to be their authors to communicate the most representative joints, and those that reveal a different physiognomy and particularly in and around Milan.
In addition to the testimonies of the most famous cultural heritage and credited for the art-historical and cultural significance, the guide leads us along routes that weave the signs of industrial memory with that farm Northern Milan, the legendary presences, traditions and rituals, which return a sense of place names that bring into resonance history and the stories of everyone.
The routes proposed by the guide tell us of what is left of the factories that animated the territory, a symbol of industrialization of Lombardy and the entire country; as was the fabric of villas and farmhouses that costellava the landscape; the memory of the Resistance and the hidden memory of bomb shelters; the civil architecture and the meeting places of different communities. But also: the birthplace of the famous Banda d’Affori; When Buffalo Bill with his circus went from Niguarda; monumental and living essences of the “garden city” in Cusano Milanino; the history of North Park, the green lung in the metropolitan context … and much more.

For visitors who want to learn more and deepen, on Urban Eco-museum site contains other documents and testimony, and the boards of all the “authors” that made posssibile this guide.

Ecomuseo Urbano Metropolitano Milano Nord
Via Cesari 17
20162 Niguarda


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