Forum del Turismo Sociale

Brescia Città in Tasca

Brescia City in the Pocket is a map of the places of greatest interest to youth sociability, narrated by young people.


The project stems primarily from the widespread recognition that the city of Brescia, while enjoying a wide heritage (useful to support an offer in tourism – cultural national and international level, is struggling to organize an “integrated” system and diversified able to intercept the tourism demand – cultural in its articulated variability and thus gain a competitive position in the market which is up to its opportunities. in this scenario the quality of facilities, services, and especially that of human resources in the hospitality mechanisms are still too insufficient. the low generational change in companies, improvisation practiced in the professions and a scarce presence of youth component in the system, are not secondary aspects. the project responds to this strategic perspective, namely: establishing a network of skills within a group of young residents.

The project is funded by Fondazione Comunità Bresciana.

Associazione CTS di Brescia
via N. Tommaseo 2/a – 25128 Brescia
Tel: +39 030 41889


This App is available in the newsstand Jecoguides.

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