Archivio di Etnografia e Storia Sociale (AESS) Regione Lombardia

Alp Stories

‘Alp Stories’ leads to the discovery of the cultural heritage of a small Alpine region, which straddles the political border between Italy and Switzerland and, more precisely, Lombardy and the Canton of Grisons.


The itineraries trace a path through the four valleys, which together paint a viable ring on foot, by bicycle or even by train traits: from Valtellina, further south, going north along the Valchiavenna, which becomes Bergell in Switzerland until step Maloja, and then declined to Engadine and further south still, get in Puschlav, which at the height of Tirano rejoins the Valtellina.

‘Alp Stories’ interprets this territory through a ‘lens’ special, which invites the visitor to take a different experience, that is a more conscious exploration through the micro-social histories of this region. The intent is to begin to bring to light the ethnographic repertoire that makes these Alpine area with a common cross-border vocation and by the many cultures of subsistence.

Archivio di Etnografia e Storia Sociale (AESS) Regione Lombardia
Palazzo Lombardia
Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1
20124 Milano (Italia)

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